dbo 发表于 2016-7-13 12:13:00


root@cubieboard2:~/WiringCB-python/WiringPi# ./build.sh
wiringPi Build script

The wiringPi I2C helper libraries will not be built.

WiringPi library
sudo: make: command not found
./build.sh: line 65: make: command not found

Make Failed...
Please check the messages and fix any problems. If you're still stuck,
then please email all the output and as many details as you can to

请教下 这是什么问题呀

@allen 发表于 2016-7-13 15:08:42

apt-get install make build-essential
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 请教下关于WiringCB-python控制GPIO使用C方式出现的问题